The Ecosystem services
Journal of Agricultural and biological research an open access rapid peer reviewed journal in the field of agricultural research. It is a bimonthly journal. Below we discuss about.
The balance of evidence:
"Ecosystem services are the suite of benefits that ecosystems provide to humanity." The natural species, or biota, are the caretakers of all ecosystems. It is as if the natural world is an enormous bank account of capital assets capable of paying life sustaining dividends indefinitely, but only if the capital is maintained.
These services come in three flavors:
Provisioning services which involve the production of renewable resources (e.g.: food, wood, fresh water)
Regulating services which are those that lessen environmental change (e.g.: climate regulation, pest/disease control)
Cultural services represent human value and enjoyment (e.g.: landscape aesthetics, cultural heritage, outdoor recreation and spiritual significance)
Provisioning services:
Greater species diversityof plants increases fodder yield of plants (i.e. diversity within a single species) increases overall crop yield. Although another review of 100 experimental studies reports mixed evidence.of trees increases overall wood production.However, there is not enough data to draw a conclusion about the effect of tree trait diversity on wood production.
Regulating services:
- Of fish increases the stability of fisheries yield
- Of natural pest enemies decreases herbivorous pest populations (Data from two separate reviews; Synthesis of 266 experimental and observational studies; Although another review of 38 experimental studies found mixed support for this claim, suggesting that in cases where mutual intraguild predation occurs, a single predatory species is often more effective
- Of plants decreases disease prevalence on plants - of plants increases resistance to plant invasion (Data from two separate reviews; of plants increases carbon sequestration, but note that this finding only relates to actual uptake of carbon dioxide and not long-term storage, see below;
- Plants increases soil nutrient remineralization
- of plants increases soil organic matter
Regulating services
- Effect of species diversity on the stability of biofuel yield (In a survey of the literature, the investigators did not find any studies) - Effect of species diversity of plants on the stability of fodder yield (In a survey of the literature, the investigators only found 2 studies)
- Effect of species diversity of plants on the stability of crop yield (In a survey of the literature, the investigators only found 1 study)
- Effect of genetic diversity of plants on the stability of crop yield (In a survey of the literature, the investigators only found 2 studies)
- Effect of diversity on the stability of wood production (In a survey of the literature, the investigators could not find any studies)
- Effect of species diversity of multiple taxa on erosion control (In a survey of the literature, the investigators could not find any studies – they did, however, find studies on the effect of species diversity and root biomass)
- Effect of diversity on flood regulation (In a survey of the literature, the investigators could not find any studies
- Effect of species and trait diversity of plants on soil moisture (In a survey of the literature, the investigators only found 2 studies)
Other sources have reported somewhat conflicting results and in 1997 Robert Costanza and his colleagues reported the estimated global value of ecosystem services (not captured in traditional markets) at an average of $33 trillion annually.
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Larry Taylor,
Managing Editor
Journal of Agricultural and Biological Research
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